Fun Facts About Me:
-I love podcasts (specifically to live and die in L.A., Crime Junkie, Life is short, office ladies, Morbid and Life will be the death of me)
-I love plants and have been growing my collection and even keeping some alive!
-My husband is Ryan, and we love bike rides and craft beer
-My mommakins is my best friend
-I love brunching
-I once saw a documentary about dinosaurs and was convinced they were still roaming the earth (it's a long funny story, ask me in person)
-I'm cute, but Hella gullible
-I am a three-drink minimum kinda girl, you will never see me with just one drink out.
-I love swimming and believe I was meant to be a mermaid.
Life is magic.
I believe that.
This life is meant to be lived! Fully and unapologetically.
I have spent too many years holding back for my own comfort and I refuse to do it any longer. I refuse to let YOU do it any longer either.
I didn't realize how important boudoir photography was to me until I started shooting sessions regularly. I started to notice a pattern.
Clients would hire me, tell me everything they imagine to be wrong with them, BE SCARED as HELL, Free fall into trusting me and at the reveal and order portion of our session would cry.
Happy tears. Sometimes sad tears,
Because for the first time in a long time, maybe EVER - they saw how beautiful they were. inside and out. The sought to just be rather than wrestle with perfection any longer.
This isn't just an incredible luxury boudoir experience, this isn't just photos that are gorgeous as hell, that you will hold dear the REST of your life...this is about YOU rediscovering who you are. At your core.
Your body does so much good. SO MUCH DAMN GOOD. We should all be in awe of this beautifully intricate design of human existence we are blessed with.
I want to be the woman holding the mirror up for you to see who you are.
I believe you are exceptional.
Why I Love What I Do:

Let's Connect!
Tel: 402-417-2825
Photo Credit: Marissa Boucher