How pumped are you!?!
You have embarked on your beauty and now the time is here to enjoy that journey.
The week leading up to your boudoir session I recommend the following:
- stay hydrated, drink lots of water and try to limit soda, caffeine and alcohol.
-Stretch, do some Pilates or yoga - your body will thank you. The photos look effortless, but I have you arch and point all that you can. :)
-get good sleep
-eat well, lean proteins, fruits and veggies
-don't change your skin routine - you don't want any skin irritation's the day of
-any waxing or hair removal should be done 3-5 days ahead to avoid irritation.
- relax, have a night to soak in the tub or light some candles and listen to soothing music, get in the mindset of a beautiful session
-TRUST ME, I have worked so hard with so many educators to give you the very best, joyful, body love session I can and we will make MAGIC together.
Early to bed...AND GET EXCITED!
You put your needs and desires first and are going to have a wonderful time!
Are you ready to embark on your beauty? If so email me with the subject line EMBARK and I will send you information.
